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A member registered Sep 21, 2023

Recent community posts

Im truly enjoying the game! I espcially enjoy how you have made it so both Arthur and Morgana have proper reasons for what they do, and flaws, so that neither is entirely correct or innocent.

One question though, what exactly does oblivious romance mean?

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Another thing that would be extremely helpful is a "crafting list" of sorts, to know what objects require what skills, crafting tables, and requirements to be made. For example, how the hell does one make nails? Yes, I know its probably pretty easy and i'm dumb for not figuring it out, but in a game so complex like yours, people will most definitely miss stuff like this. If there was this list, then I would be able to see what skill and crafting table is needed to make them to begin with.

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Not sure if this is a bug, but I cant seem to be able to farm. I go to the box, the UI for planting appears, then I press z or spacebar and nothing happens. I already managed to plant 1 potato seed somehow, but I cant replicate it.

Edit: I have managed to find the way to farm. Still, it would be great if the game had a guide where one could check even after the tutorial/tip appears.

Very good game! I enjoyed it a lot and can't wait to see what comes next. The worldbuilding is pretty interesting and the atmosphere throughout the demo is fantastic. 

One thing I really like is the option to (apparently) make up with the mother. Most of these stories tend to just have this type of character as an antagonist, so seeing the possibility of repairing the relationship is rather unique.